Selling a Tenanted Property in Victoria

When selling a tenanted residential property in Victoria Australia, sellers have to carefully consider their obligations as landlords. It is crucial to be well-informed about the laws and regulations governing tenancy agreements to ensure a smooth and compliant sales process. 

 This article aims to provide an overview of some legal aspects to consider when selling a tenanted property in Victoria, Australia.

Review the Residential Tenancy Agreement

The first step is to carefully review the residential tenancy agreement between the landlord and the tenant. Pay close attention to provisions such as notice periods, rights of entry, and termination clauses.

Provide Proper Notice to the Tenant

Under Victorian law, landlords must provide written notices to the tenant in various circumstances. These include when landlords wish to show the property to prospective buyers they must provide a notice of intention to sell; when the landlords wish to enter the premises to take photos or videos for advertising the property for sale; when landlords wish to open the property for inspection to a particular prospective buyer. 

Respect the Tenant's Rights

Tenants in Victoria have specific rights when their rental property is being sold. It is crucial to respect these rights throughout the sales process to avoid legal complications and potential disputes. These rights include the right to continue living in the property until the end of the lease agreement, the right to privacy during inspections, and the right to receive proper notice for any changes or termination of the tenancy.

Notice to Vacate

In some circumstances, the seller or the buyer may wish to have vacant possession of the property before settlement. There are specific requirements outlined in the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 (VIC) as to the notice period depending on the reason for the notice and requirements for evidence with the notice to vacate. You should seek legal advice to ensure compliance.

Disclose Relevant Information to Buyers

Sellers have a legal obligation to disclose relevant information about the tenancy to potential buyers. Sellers must comply with the Australian Consumer Law[1] and provide accurate information regarding the existing lease, rental income, and any known issues or disputes with the tenant. Failure to disclose material facts or providing false or misleading information about the property or tenancy to the potential buyers can result in legal consequences, including potential legal action by the buyer after the sale. 

 Security Deposit and Bond

The security deposit or bond held by the Residential Tenancies Bond Authority (RTBA) must be transferred to the new owner upon the sale of the property.

 Sellers should consider seeking legal advice from a qualified professional who specializes in property transactions. We can guide you through the legal requirements and ensure compliance with our expertise and support. 

 If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact Charlotte Pong from our property law team on 03 9600 3330 or at

 Note: This article is intended to provide commentary and general information in relation to Victoria, Australia. It should not be relied upon as legal advice.

[1]Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) - Schedule 2 The Australian Consumer Law









維多利亞州的租客在出售出租物業時享有特定權利。在整個銷售過程中必須尊重租客的權利,以避免法律問題和潛在的糾紛。 這些權利包括租客可以繼續居住在該物業中直到租賃協議結束的權利、檢查期間的隱私權以及收到有關任何租賃變更或終止的適當通知的權利。


在某些情況下,賣方或買方可能希望在成交日前空置該物業。 Residential Tenancies Act 1997 (VIC)對通知期有具體要求,通知期取決於通知的原因和搬出通知的證據要求。 為確保符合法規,你應該咨詢有關法律意見。


賣方有法律義務向有意購買者披露有關租賃的相關信息。 賣方必須遵守澳大利亞消費者法[1],並提供有關現有租約、租金收入以及與租戶的任何已知問題或糾紛的準確資訊。未能向有意購買者披露重要事實或提供有關房產或租賃的虛假或誤導性資訊可能會引致嚴重的法律後果,包括買家在出售后可能採取的法律行動。 


住宅租賃債券管理局 (RTBA) 持有的保證金必須在出售房產時轉移給新業主。


 如果您有任何問題或需要我們的協助,歡迎致電 03 9600 3330 或電郵至 聯繫我們房地產法律團隊的龐爾樂律師。


[1] 《2010年競爭與消費者法》附表2 澳大利亞消費者法Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) Schedule 2 The Australian Consumer Law

Important Disclaimer - This publication is general in nature and is not intended to be, nor should be, considered as legal advice. For legal advice please contact Hope Earle Lawyers on +61 3 9600 3330 (or) +61 7 5606 0001.